The term fashion is often viewed as a cultural phenomenon, reflecting societal and commercial changes. However, this view does not take into account the fact that changes in fashion are often driven by internal taste mechanisms without any external social influences. For example, Stanley Lieberman’s study on fashions of children’s first names suggests that fashion is influenced by children’s tastes and not by commercial interest.
Subgenres of fashion
There are many different subgenres in the world of fashion. Haute couture, high-end fashion, fast fashion, and hip-hop are just a few examples. All of these types of fashion are very different from what you see in the stores. These subgenres are usually defined by the style and feel that the clothing conveys.
Street fashion, for example, is an emerging subgenre in the world of fashion photography. It is less pretentious and has generated a significant fan base for photographers. This has also changed how the industry communicates with its customers.
Influences on fashion trends
Influences on fashion trends can come from a wide range of sources, including social movements and celebrity culture. The fashion industry needs to be aware of these influences in order to anticipate future trends. These influences can be divided into three categories: high culture, pop culture, and subculture. High culture, which includes visual arts, is influential in the fashion world. Pop culture, which is dominated by celebrities, is an example of a subculture that has a strong influence on the fashion industry.
Culture and economy are other important influences on fashion trends. In a recession, for example, clothing retailers would not stock up on expensive designer clothes. Conversely, in an economy with a positive growth rate, premium designer clothing would be favored by consumers. Celebrities and designers also play a big part in the evolution of fashion trends.
Impact of social media on selling of fashion
Many retailers believe that social media is an easy marketing tool to implement. However, a study conducted by Abu Bashar and Irshad Ahmad examined the impact of social media on buying decisions. The researchers found that while many retailers had experienced challenges, these challenges were not as significant as some might have believed.
Social media can have a positive impact on the selling of clothing. According to the study, consumers make purchases that they would not otherwise have purchased. This is especially true for younger consumers, who are more likely to make purchases on impulse. Social media allows retailers to gain insights about their consumers. However, it is important to remember that not every satisfied customer will always speak positively about a brand.
Impact of technology on selling of fashion
The selling of fashion has undergone many changes in recent years, thanks to technology. The sewing machine revolutionized garment production, the use of steel shipping containers replaced wooden ones, and the widespread availability of the Internet paved the way for e-commerce. These changes have both positive and negative effects on the fashion industry.
In addition to the streamlined distribution process, new technologies are helping fashion designers create more options for consumers. New manufacturing processes and raw materials allow for hyper-customized experiences. These innovations are also helping the industry to become more sustainable. Some jobs in the fashion industry may disappear, as automation replaces human labor. New roles will likely be created around customer service and engineering, as well as curation.