Business services are a subset of the economic service sector that provides non-financial support to businesses. They include advertising, marketing, consultation, logistics (including travel and facilities services), waste handling, staffing and shipping, administration and security services.

They are essential to the functioning of any company. They help companies achieve their goals and improve the relationship between manufacturers and customers.

The Business Services Industry is a large and diverse industry that supports the operations, infrastructure and productivity of companies. There are many different careers within this industry, so you can find one that suits your interests and abilities.

In the EU, business services are among the largest sectors of the economy and contribute to 11% of GDP. This sector plays a key role in the’servitisation’ of the European economy by offering new combinations of goods and services to customers.

Despite their importance, business services face a number of challenges in the EU today including relatively low average productivity and persisting legal barriers to cross-border operations. In an effort to stimulate growth in this sector, EU legislation and policy actions aim at removing these obstacles.

A business service is a form of trade activity that takes place between trade organizations. This may be a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a retailer and a distributor of products to the consumer market.

It is a broad category of activity that includes a wide range of industries, including information technology (IT), procurement and shipping and finance. These services help companies get the materials they need to operate their business and to sell product to their customers.

They also provide business intelligence and data analysis to help firms make better decisions and improve their efficiency. For example, IT departments can help companies assess their IT systems and identify improvements that can be made to increase their ability to serve clients more effectively.

These services are often delivered in the form of a contract between the business and the customer. The agreement usually states how much money the business will pay for services and what they will receive in return.

Business services can be separated into three main categories: social, business-to-business and personal. The first two involve businesses helping other businesses, while the third involves entrepreneur-led businesses providing services to individuals.

A business-to-business service helps companies by performing work for a flat or hourly rate. Its services may include computer repair, clerical assistance, and other similar tasks.

Another service is the provision of space for companies to rent and work. Real estate agents can help companies find workspaces and arrange rental agreements, while utility service businesses offer water, electricity and gas to keep workplaces running smoothly.

The final category is the provision of services to individuals, such as childcare and housekeeping services. These are not usually a part of the business-to-business category but can still be provided by entrepreneurs.

The demand for services is a result of several factors, including a growing population, higher affluence levels, and increased leisure time. These trends have prompted people to buy services that they previously did for themselves, such as lawn maintenance or dry cleaning.
