Relationships 101


Relationships are a key part of human interaction. In fact, human beings are among the most social creatures in the universe. Evidence of this can be found in ancient scripture, poetry, music, and bestselling novels. It’s no wonder then that the word “relationship” appears in so many of these sources.

Characteristics of healthy relationships

A healthy relationship consists of two or more people who enjoy spending time with each other and are committed to making each other feel good. Healthy couples also don’t hide their feelings or mishandle difficult situations. Instead, they work out problems and celebrate their good times together.

Stages of relationship maintenance

There are many stages in a relationship, and each stage requires different relationship maintenance strategies. A healthy relationship involves the use of healthy boundaries to protect both parties and ensure that the relationship is healthy. The following stages will provide an overview of the different stages of relationship maintenance.

Characteristics of codependent relationships

Codependent relationships involve one partner being completely reliant on the other, often to the point of ignoring their own needs and desires. Typically, the person who is in a codependent relationship does not have a high self-esteem and instead seeks validation and approval from the other person. Codependent people also lack self-control and often have low self-esteem.

Signs of a toxic relationship

If you think your partner is controlling, you may have a toxic relationship. They might get angry at the slightest thing. They may also isolate themselves or try to steal your independence.

Rewarding healthy relationships

Rewarding healthy relationships can improve your mental and physical health. It can also reduce stress. A rewarding relationship can lead to a sense of belonging. It also brings many benefits, such as trust, respect, affection, and honesty. Rewarding relationships are essential to a happy and healthy life.

Avoiding toxic relationships

If you want to avoid toxic relationships, start by defining your boundaries. This can be done in many ways. One of the most important ways is by exploring the history and emotions of your relationship. This way, you can find emotional triggers and validate your needs. Another way is by identifying the psychological orientation of the other person.
